Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Love Heart Quilts

I know that today isn’t Valentine’s Day but I could tell you many wonderful stories about this holiday. February is a big month in my family. My dad’s birthday is on Valentine’s Day, and many of my cousins and a couple of aunts have birthdays around the 14th. So, it always seemed as if we were celebrating all month long.

When I was pregnant with my son, my OB told me that since his birthday was on Valentine’s Day, that he was planning on taking that day off. Therefore, I could choose to deliver my son on either the 13th or the 15th. Well, after a very long pregnancy, which date do you think I chose?

My son was born on the 13th.

Maybe this is why I love the Vintage Valentine quilt so much. It always reminds me of all of the people who I love and who mean so much to me.

We have done so many sessions of the Vintage Valentine Block of the Month that each time we start a new session, I say, “This is it! It’s the last one!”. Then someone sees the quilt and wants to do it so we start it all over again.

We’ve had many quilts from our VV Sessions that have been entered into shows. Currently we are showing a quilt made by Tina Stinson that won a blue ribbon. It is absolutely gorgeous and you must drop by just to see it. You’ll surely be inspired to sign up for Session 8.
Looking forward to seeing you!

Happy Stitching!
